10 weeks to go, people!

(Also thanks for the reminder, Virgin Money London Marathon, but I'm well aware!)

At this point all I can do is trust in the training plan. I did lots of running in this week's heatwave and my watch says I'm improving, even though my training plan is essentially shorter, slower runs.

 Day Run TypeDistance
 SundayLong Run - 60 mins5.8 miles
 TuesdayEasy Run - 40 minutes3.8 miles
 WednesdayTempo Intervals x 63.7 miles
 ThursdayRest Day
 FridayTempo/Steady - 50 mins5.1 miles
 Total 18.4 miles

I have always struggled with tempo runs. Mostly they tired me out and I haven't been able to finish them. I'm forcing myself to stick to slightly slower paces (but still faster than my easy runs) and so far it seems to be working. As the length of them increases over the next few weeks I'm hoping to see some real benefits there.